Where Summer Never Ends ~ Summerland, October 2022

https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/summerland-panhandle-gap "On the shore of nature's magic, I dreamed summer knew no end." Angie Weiland-Crosby Backcountry permits and reservations are required to sleep under the stars anywhere in Mt Rainier's National Forest. And the good ones are never easy to come by. You can enter a lottery in the beginning of the year to get [...]

On the Up and Up ~ Upper Lena Lake, September 2022

"Everything worth doing is uphill. Everything." John Maxwell https://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/upper-lena-lake Most of the trails we tread upon have an upward inclination. But they all go about it in very different ways. Some are roller coasters, gaining and losing elevation in such a way that you never really reach great heights. Some tilt upwards steadily but only [...]